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Music at Faustino’s | Wednesday 23rd August

Faustino's 2A North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Faustino's welcomes you to their live music, every Wednesday night! Come along and have an evening meal or a drink and listen to great music.     Featuring some of the best local talent, music starts at 8.30pm. Free entry, booking a table for dinner early is recommended to avoid disappointment. For details check our ... Read more

Mantis Art Studio Workshops | British Birds Drawing | Thursday 24th August | £30

Dean House, Bepton Road, GU29 9LD Midhurst, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Local artists from the Mantis Art Studio will be running a few short drawing classes throughout August. These stand alone sessions are a fun, relaxed introduction to drawing for beginners, or a chance to polish up some dormant abilities. For this class the focus will on British Bird Drawing Spend an arty afternoon enjoying refreshments, ... Read more


Film Screening “Tomorrow” | Thursday 24th August | Memorial Hall | FREE

South Down Memorial Hall North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex

Mi-CAN has a really great free event coming part of Madhurst. A film screening of "Tomorrow".   This film is an optimistic and inspirational look at solutions to social and environmental challenges in 10 countries around the world. We guarantee that after you've seen it, you'll want to share your thoughts with others so ... Read more

Mantis Art Studio Workshops | Mixed class, tutored and self-directed Life Drawing | Friday 25th August

Dean House, Bepton Road, GU29 9LD Midhurst, West Sussex, United Kingdom

This standalone class will allow you to further your journey in mastering the art of drawing from life, and equip you with the tools to gain confidence in your artistic abilities. After a brief intro, we will be welcoming a live model as our subject for the evening, and working through various length poses over ... Read more

Langham Dog Show for International Dog Day

Langhams Brewery The Granary, Langham Lane, Lodsworth, Petworth, West Sussex

LANGHAM DOG SHOW FOR INTERNATIONAL DOG DAY As it’s International Dog Day on Saturday 26th August we thought we’d celebrate all things 4 paws and waggy tails by hosting our own (very relaxed and fun) Langham Dog Show. There will be prizes for the dog with the most appealing eyes; the best dressed dog (nicest ... Read more

Midhurst Town Council Summer Street Party | Saturday 26th August | 11am – 3pm

Market Square, Midhurst Market Square, Midhurst, West Sussex

Midhurst Town Council warmly invite Residents to the Old Town for a day of fun, music, food and festivities!! There will be music in market square, rides and games for children and face painting, special offers and promotions from local businesses and a variety of stalls and street food, so sit back, relax in the ... Read more

MADhurst Presents | Mainly Madness | Saturday 26th August | TICKETS AVAILABLE

South Down Memorial Hall North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex

Hey you! Come listen to the rock steady beat of Mainly Madness.   Check them out Mainly Madness - YouTube Saturday 26th August Memorial Hall, South Downs National Park Visitor Centre, North Street, Midhurst. West Sussex. Tickets £16.00 Doors Open 7.00pm    Performance 7.30pm Cash & Card Bar available Cash only raffle


Mantis Art Studio Workshops | Pet Portrait Drawing/Painting | Monday 28th August | £40

Dean House, Bepton Road, GU29 9LD Midhurst, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Local artists from the Mantis Art Studio will be running a few short drawing classes throughout August. These stand alone sessions are a fun, relaxed introduction to drawing for beginners, or a chance to polish up some dormant abilities. For this class the focus will on Pet Portrait Drawing/Painting Spend an arty afternoon enjoying refreshments, ... Read more

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